Founder2Founder Academy: Dealterms & Business Valuation


Dienstag, 23. November 2021, 16:00 Uhr bis 20:00 Uhr


Standort der Veranstaltung:

Jonas Fromme, equihub

The Founder2Founder Academy:
Founder2Founder Academy is a series of workshops conducted by founders only, who set up their company no longer than two years ago. The workshops are designed to help you to develop an individual approach for your venture – so you will not just listen, you will rather be encouraged to *do* something. In a small group of other fresh or soon-to-be founders, you will be coached by experts on a specific topic to finally leave the workshops with a tangible output for your (future) company. You will be taught relevant founder skills to boost your founder career. Every workshop will be conducted online.
#rollupyoursleeves #letsstartdoing

Content of this workshop:
Each startup comes to the point on which they have to decide to search for an investor or to bootstrap. Especially the search for an investor needs to be well prepared. In the workshop we introduce the funding instruments and discuss the differences between the investment rounds. Afterwards we are going to deep dive into business evaluation so that you can asses your maturity and company valuation.


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