Startup Funding Bremen

Do you want your innovative and high-tech start-up to take off? You are in the seed phase and want to continue working on your prototype? Then apply for Startup Funding Bremen! We will support you in establishing your start-up with up to 150,000 euros and set the course for a successful future.

Who can receive funding?

The funding is aimed at highly innovative (high-tech and deep-tech) start-ups based in the state of Bremen that are no more than five years old and want to further develop their prototype and bring it to market maturity. The funding is suitable for you if you are already beyond the initial ideation and concept phase and have created and tested the first proof of concept or the minimum functional product. Furthermore, your company should contribute to the key sectors and technologies from the Innovation strategy 2030 of the State of Bremen.

Eine Frau und ein Mann arbeiten an einem Prototypen

Key and innovative industries:

  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Maritime economy/ logistics
  • Food and luxury food industry
  • Renewable energy industry/wind energy
  • Health industry
  • Environmental technology
  • Culture and creative industries
  • Steel industry
  • Mechanical engineering and construction

Key technologies:

  • Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence
  • Metrology and simulation
  • Biotechnology
  • Autonomous systems and robotics
  • Hydrogen technologies
  • New forms of work and organisation
  • Lightweight construction and additive manufacturing

Funding requirements in short:

Summary of requirements for startup funding

How is funding provided?

Startup funding Bremen always refers to a maximum period of 24 months, which cannot be exceeded. During this period, we subsidise your start-up equity free with up to 150,000 euros with a funding rate of 80 per cent. The focus of the funding is on taking a further step in the development of a market-ready product. For this purpose, you will define a specific project. The project must always be presented as part of the application and will then be paid out at a fixed amount.

What can be funded?

The following costs can be subsidised within the framework of the funding:

  • Personnel costs
  • Investment costs
  • Marketing
  • Coaching and consulting services

The calculation of the eligible project costs refers to the personnel costs and a residual lump sum of 40% of the direct eligible personnel costs.

How does the application process work?

The approval process consists of three steps: pre-selection, application phase and application. We have compiled templates for each step of the process, which can be downloaded from the download centre.

Application process as a graph


In order to support you with the application process, we have stored all the required documents as templates in the download centre. Please ensure that the content is rendered appropriately, even if you use your own pitch deck and business plan design.

Are you interested? Please contact us!

Kostja Hausdörffer & Rebekka Tegtmeier

+49 (0)421 9600-372


Success Stories

25 September 2023
How start-ups set themselves up for financial security

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1 September 2023
How start-ups achieve product market fit

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3 August 2023
Focus on your product development

Even the best product is no use: If customers don't understand it, find it appealing or can't use it, your start-up is doomed to failure. Good news: You can work on your product strategy and development. We'll show you how it works.

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