Starthaus Beratung

Versatile start-up consulting from a single source in the state of Bremen

The paths to becoming self-employed are as diverse as life itself

Do you have a good idea or a specific start-up intention? Are you currently employed and want to know whether you can start your own business at the same time? Do you want to take over a company? Are you returning to the working world and looking for new chances? Are you looking for work and want to provide your own income? Are you a student with an innovative start-up idea?

Then you’ve come to the right place. Our customised start-up consulting addresses your individual start-up situation. We then work with you to draw up your timeframe. All our conversations are confidential and neutral. That means we always give you honest feedback and talk openly with you about chances and risks. We show you appropriate consultation possibilities, funding programmes or financing possibilities and then pass you on to the right specific point in our Starthaus start-up network in the Starthaus initiative. Interesting events round the package off. Best of all: consulting sessions in the Starthaus are always free of charge for you.

Consulting phases

The Starthaus Bremen and Bremerhaven supports you in every start-up phase: in the initial idea phase, the start-up phase and the market entry phase through to the first growth phase. Any questions? We’ve got the answers.

Start-up idea

You’ve got an idea. You don’t know how and where to begin? You don’t know whether it is promising and feasible? Or do you already have a specific start-up intention?
We structure your thoughts, provide impetus and guide you through the next steps. Including feedback.


Do you also want a specific start-up timeframe? We put your business model to the test. What’s more, we also care about your personal development as an entrepreneur. Whether Business Model Canvas or business plan, we use various tools to support you and help you find the right funding options for your project. That’s why we also check whether coaching might be a possibility.


Your plan is ready and all your preparations are done? You’re nearly there. Perhaps there are one or two last practical issues before you get going: where do I register my company? What does the tax office need? Have I got the necessary permits? We refer you to the right contacts.

First growth phase

Once you’ve founded your company, you’ll need to deal with new questions: What do I have to think about if I want to hire staff? Where can I get funding if I want to expand my field of business? We are the right people for you to contact in the state of Bremen if you need business advice also during the first growth phase.

Social Entrepreneur by Starthaus

Do you want to found a company that offers sustainable solutions to social problems? Are you lacking know-how about approaches to social entrepreneurship and corresponding legal structures or strategies? Do you want your business model to be socially and ecologically compatible and do good in the world? Then Social Entrepreneur by Starthaus offers you all the answers.

to the social entrepreneur programme
Starting a business from unemployment

The orientation seminar “Starting a business from unemployment” is intended especially for those interested in setting up a business from unemployment benefit I from the Employment Agency and unemployment benefit II from the Job Centre for start-ups in Bremen and Bremerhaven.

to the start-up seminar
Start-up centres and co-working in the state of Bremen

Are you still trying to find the right place? Then take a look at this overview of start-up centres and co-working places in Bremen and Bremerhaven.

Ready, steady, go!
Digital consulting

Digital start-up platform

Work on-line at becoming self-employed: the start-up platform supports founders with numerous tips and offers during the start-up phase.

To the platform
Company succession in the state of Bremen

Step-by-step to your own company. Starting a business can also result from a company succession. Do you want to know how a company succession can run smoothly? Are you interested in a company where the succession is currently being discussed? Do you want to retire and put your company into good hands? Then look here for a first overview covering all aspects of company succession.

On course for company succession!