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The offer from the start-up ecosystem

But if we don't know, we know who can help.

Even though we offer a wide range of services, there may be issues that we cannot resolve directly. But we always know who can help you. Bremen's start-up ecosystem is broad and well-positioned. Here you can get an overview of further offers that can help you with your start-up or in your growth phase.

Funding through the start-up ecosystem

BIS Bremerhaven

Advises on funding opportunities in Bremerhaven and on funding programmes from the EU, the federal government and the state of Bremen.
To the BIS Bremerhaven.

Business Angels Weser-Ems-Bremen

Connects founders and private investors with equity capital
To the Business Angels.


Companisto crowd investing, follow-up or co-financing with venture capital companies or business angels
To Companisto.

EXIST founder grant

Supports the realisation of the start-up idea for an innovative technology-oriented or knowledge-based project and its implementation in a business plan.

To the EXIST founder grant at BRIDGE.

kraftwerk city accelerator

Participations, training, support for start-ups in the fields of energy, Industry 4.0, mobility and waste disposal/recycling
To the kraftwerk city accelerator.

Sparkasse Bremen

Loans and public funding for start-up financing, equity capital
To the Sparkasse Bremen.

Artikel aus dem Netzwerk und zum Thema Finanzierung

25 September 2023
How start-ups set themselves up for financial security

Financial problems have brought some start-ups to an early end. No wonder, given the abundance of issues that start-up founders have to deal with. After all, a good idea is not enough for success. The topic of finances is a constant companion along the way and can pose major challenges. We have summarised some information and tips for you.

Read the tips
7 July 2023
Start-up fails: Are these your end opponents too? This is how you defeat them!

We often read headlines about the quick and great successes of start-ups in the media. But many of them have to give up their business again - some before they become big, others in the course of the first years. We introduce the most common reasons for the failure of start-ups and present possible solutions.

To the fails and tips