General consultation funding

The general consultancy funding offers small and medium-sized enterprises in the state of Bremen a subsidy for consultancy services provided by management consultancies.

Who can receive funding?

Small and medium-sized enterprises according to the SME definition with their registered office/place of business in the state of Bremen.

According to KfW, micro businesses are companies with

  • fewer than 10 employees and
  • annual turnover or an annual balance sheet total of maximum 2 million Euro.

Small businesses are companies with

  • fewer than 50 employees and
  • annual turnover or an annual balance sheet total of maximum 10 million Euro.

Medium-sized businesses are companies with

  • fewer than 250 employees and
  • annual turnover of maximum 50 million Euro or an annual balance sheet total of maximum 43 million Euro.

What can be funded?

Eligible are consulting services provided by external management consultants on
economic, organisational and technical issues, such as:

  • Establishment of a management system
  • Company expansion
  • Restructuring of the company
  • Repositioning on the market
  • Innovative cost structure analysis
  • In-house qualification* with the following topics, among others:
    • Corporate mission statements, assessment systems, corporate governance
    • Change, project and quality management,
    • Qualification of foremen and foremen's assistants

* Seminars in which the participants are employees of several companies are excluded from funding.

How can funding be provided?

The funding consists of a subsidy of up to 50 % of the invoiced consulting costs. A daily fee (comprising 8 hours) of a maximum of 700 Euro is eligible for funding. The maximum funding is 7,000 Euro per applicant.

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